All about ADD

Many people don’t know much about ADD. This is mostly because people rarely have it and it can sometimes go unnoticed. ADD stands for Attention Deficit Disorder. However, there are those who refer to it as ADHD. This may be misleading at times since not everyone who is suffering from ADD is hyperactive. If you want to know whether your loved one has the condition, you should disregard any ideas that may pop up in your mind when you read the name and do some proper research. ADD is a natural state of mind where those affected try to pay attention to many things at once and then end up getting lost while in the process. They find themselves sinking into a state of the blankness of saying whatever comes to mind to avoid looking stupid. See adhd test
This means that when someone with ADD is asked a question, they tend to stay quiet since they are blank and stuck, and hope to outwait the questioner. This makes those asking the question assume that the child is unwilling to learn. Those with this condition may also answer the questions, but after quite a while which is also not satisfying. Even simple questions evoke pressure in a person, and that is why we have to be very understanding of them. There are very many symptoms of ADD, and they include short attention spans, forgetfulness, easy distraction, often appears lazy and disinterested. To find out whether your loved one has the condition, don’t rely on what you think only. You may easily confuse symptoms as you are not an expert. See a specialist and let them examine your loved one and check if they have the condition. Ensure that you get a second and third opinion if you want, to be sure. Most insurance covers cover a percentage of the costs, but you should consult with them to be sure.
Unfortunately, there is no cure for ADD. More on symptoms of adhd
However, you have an excellent alternative. You could take them to therapy, get medication to control them, and teach them coping techniques. These interventions have proven to be useful in some cases where children can overcome the disorder by the time they are adults. It is essential for parents to be understanding and help their children during this process. You may be able to help them by training them to do some things and putting reminders everywhere for them. You could also give them rewards for everything they do tight as this will motivate them to do better.